Its been a while since I actually sat down to blog. There's been so much going on in our lives, some areas for improvement have been identified and we've experienced some really great family moments, like on our recent day trip to Hershey Park. I've really been trying hard to focus on the positives, to yell at my kids less, and all and all, be a better mom/wife. Last night though, I had such a trying, whirlwind of an evening (C pooped on the kitchen floor, Piglet got herself all wrapped up in her leash and covered in mud, etc etc), and not even an early bedtime could get me back on track to prepare for the things the world chose to throw at me today.
Let me begin with the crotch rubber that I parked next to at a local grocery store. I was so thrilled that I was able to park in the 3rd spot, woohoo, right? Wrong! When I looked over at the man in the green Lexus, I noticed that he was on the phone, rubbing his wiener through his pants. I looked away, right? Nope. I was mesmerized. Seriously, I could not take my eyes off of him because I could just not believe that he had the nerve to sit there, so close to the door and potentially prying eyes while doing that, at noon! Come on! I had to call P at work to tell him, and of course he says to me, go park somewhere else. That kind of snapped me out of it. Sheesh! Scary!
That should have been enough to get me to change stores, but no, I wanted to earn money off of my gas. Big mistake! The store is being redone and it seriously took us 2 hours to get out of there. $184 later, I feel like I have little to nothing to show for my trip. It truly is a shame that fresh/real food costs so darn much! I really did stick to the outside lanes at the market, venturing in just for my dog food, paper products, canned artichoke hearts and a couple boxes of junk to make for the bake sale at the YMCA. Just crap! They didn't have the low sugar jelly that I like to get for the kids, and only had 1 loaf of the 100% whole wheat bread that I buy. I even tried to buy a different loaf of bread when L pointed out that "it doesn't say 100%, mom!" Really love that kid! Needless to say, I will have to revisit the grocery store later this week for more!
And don't get me started on food, in general. Why the heck do our schools and restaurants push such junky crap?! Really. I know the answer is that the profit ratio is nice and people will buy it. But, that doesn't make it right. While watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution tonight, I learned that butchers sell their junk cuts that are not consumable to a company that essentially separates and cleans the junk with ammonia in order to make it fit for human consumption. That is so freakin' disturbing. Seriously. Why the hell does the USDA allow for that? Are they there for the industries or for the consumers?! Then, to see the pure amount of sugar that we allow our kids to consume because we want them to be healthy and drink their milk, gross! And, this is when the healthiness of milk is up in the air. But, by all means, we need to support our farmers, so if they make unfounded statements about the health of their product, let's push it on our kids. Grrr! Its so frustrating. I often times feel like I shouldn't feed my kids anything that I didn't grow myself, and since there is no way that's going to happen, I should be able to trust the food I buy at the store and/or the food served to me and my family when we are not at home. Right?! Or am I just naive? Europeans don't live like this. Why do we?! Our industries have to start being more responsible, and so do the consumers!
Problem?! Money! That's right! It just isn't feasible to feed my family healthy and nutritious meals on our current budget, and we are very fortunate that my husband has a good job. What about the rest of the country? What about the rest of the middle class? Its just next to impossible to sustain a healthy level of nutrition when you can go from spending literally $0-$5 on a meal for your family to $15 (lean protein, veggies). Seriously, I can get food for free by using coupons, or even pay just a couple of bucks for some pasta and sauce, but what value will that really bring to them? I'll tell you, it'll bring you fat. Yep. That's right. I tried to do the cheap food thing, and I got up to just over 200 pounds. I started working out, but didn't change my food at all. I lost nothing, not even a pound. Then, it hit me; I needed to change what I was eating. Bingo, bango. I was able to drop 40 pounds in less than 4 months, and kept it off. Just so darn frustrating that eating the right way can do the wrong thing to your checkbook. Grrr!
Well, those are my rants...for now. Got to get those darn taxes finalized so we can get our money, and not get in trouble for being bad citizens.
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