It may be a little obvious to my close friends that this past month and a half has been a challenge for me. The reason is not important, but what is important is that today, I have decided to reclaim my life. That's right! I've taken a hard look at where I've let my life go lately, and frankly, I'm not happy about it. Instead of focusing on what's important to leading a successful life, as a wife, mom, employee, and citizen, I've simply been focused on getting through the day.
Well, NO MORE! I've let too much slip. So, today, I am putting my foot down. I have only 5 weeks to get it together, and it all starts today. On my list of things to tackle this week?
1. Get the pool finally sorted out or on its way to being (check)
2. Get back to basics with eating and stop eating out (check)
3. Get my house and mind ready for our newest family member
a. Put away newborn clothes
b. Pick up bassinet from friend
c. Purchase hygiene products for her
d. Pick up crib from friend
4. Purchase and pick up strider bike
5. Pay bills
6. Wash/fold/put away laundry
7. Take winter clothes to attic
8. Sweep the pool area
9. Schedule carport "fix"
10. Get reconnected with the office
11. Submit my invoices
12. Read a story to my kids each night before going to bed
13. Start priming the living room
14. Get the basement window fixed
15. Stain the deck and porch
16. Plant some lettuce
17. Power wash the front of the house
18. Clean out my potty mouth
Okay, this is quite the list, as I read it back to myself. I won't be able to do it all, unless I somehow develop super powers, but I'm going to get started on it. I know that if I stop sitting around, feeling sorry for myself, or less than adequate in all areas of life, I may actually start to feel better and a bit more prepared to take on the challenge of being a mother to 4 incredibly active and needy children. I'm also hoping that this will help me to gain patience and perspective when dealing with them.
Life is what you make of it, and lately, I've made it pretty gosh darn miserable. I can't even imagine how my friends and family have been coping, but not to worry. I'm hoping the old me is back. Actually, scratch that, I'm hoping a new and improved me will emerge from the rubble.
Let's see what happens. eeek...
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