Every November, the Facebookers do the x number of days of thanks, one thing you're thankful for, each day of the month until Thanksgiving. I believe I started to do this last year and then just forgot to follow through with it.
Today is day 5 and I am thankful that J didn't wake the little girls up this morning when she vomited in the middle of the bedroom. I know that that seems a strange thing to be thankful for, but to have multiple crying children in the wee hours of the morning, all at once, is a bit too much for this sleep deprived mama. And I think this all happened because I jinxed myself. I said to P as we climbed into bed, "all the kids are in their own beds. How exciting! I want to snuggle up to you, but instead, I'd rather lay here and sprawl out." That's what I get. Instead, my big girl ralphed on my bed and on her carpet. Now, we two are downstairs on the couch. So, like I said, much to be thankful for!
To recap the previous days (for posterity's sake):
Day 4: I am thankful for my C, who has taught me resilience.
Day 3: I am thankful for my J, who brought sunshine into my darkened life and continues to do so.
Day 2: I am thankful for my boy, who reminds me that love is unconditional, and that having a big heart is truly a gift.
Day 1: I am thankful for my husband, who is a great provider, father, lover and friend. This year has been a difficult one, but I'm glad we are back on track since there truly is no one else I'd rather torture for the rest of our lives.
Writing these got me to thinking about motherhood, and had it not been for the upchucking incidents this morning, Day 5 would have been about my baby girl, Q. It made me kind of think about what I've been doing and where my priorities lie. Who's the biggest priority? Me? P? The kids? Of course, I must take care of me in order to take care of the rest of them. Yes, but how much is enough?
The last 2 years, I would go to the gym and workout, 5 days a week, up to 2 hours a day. Then, I'd go home and try to figure out how to keep the kids out of my hair for the rest of the day. My priorities were all wrong! This year, I've decided to try something new. No matter what (okay, save sick children), I will go to the gym 3 days a week. The other days will be played by ear, going in the afternoon. In the mornings though, I will stay home and take care of my household responsibilities, and play with my girls. I will be sure to practice writing with J and sing songs and read books to all 3 of them. I will be a better mom. Yes, I will continue to seek out things for them to do with other children, outside of our home, but be sure that they can appreciate staying in and taking it easy, as well.
Now, why can't I still go to the gym and then do this afterward? Simple. By the time I would get home, then there are snacks to get, a baby to feed, then lunch, baby, boys to pick up, snack, homework, baby, dinner, etc, etc, etc. It truly is a never-ending cycle. I'm not complaining, it just is what it is. Oh, let us not forget about the random calls from work too! Mucho fun!
So, in essence, I need to schedule this downtime/playtime to just enjoy my girls for who they are and be the mom they deserve. Re-prioritization. Its a beautiful thing for which to be thankful.
Uh oh, now I have a croupy C on my hands, too! Good night, all!
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