Wednesday can be summed up in 1 phrase: chance run ins. It was a very frazzling day. One that made me want to jump off a cliff and shove ice cream and chips down my throat as fast as I could. Yes, I'm an emotional eater, and I know it.
I had to do 2 big errands with 5 kids that seemed to be more interested in running around than behaving. Then, while L was in time out, he laid down on his bed and broke the frames to his glasses. Let's just say, this momma was not happy.
But, some good things came out of yesterday: peace and a healthy dinner.
1. My buddy is no longer at my gym. Instead, she's gone back to the Y. C is destroyed because she doesn't get to play with Grace anymore. I'm sad because I won't see as much of my wonderful friend. In my mopey mood, I went to the arc trainer, thinking I'd just blah through my workout. That's when I met this lovely woman next to me. We struck up conversation about weight loss, losing our motivation to workout, and then, suffering a loss. She told me about her guilt associated with the death of her mother and the sadness that grips her heart. I shared the loss of my brother with her, and how I, too, was blanketed in guilt. If you've suffered a loss, you know what I'm talking about. The "what-if's," the "I should've' s," and the "if only's."
I revisited my journey of healing, one that I am still on, and shared with her the things that helped me, including T.A.P.S. and have a network of friends that understand. I shared with her things that my friend, Karen shared with me. After all, I think it was her words that helped me to focus on healing.
It was nice to be able to share with the lady next to me and to be able to listen to her, to be her shoulder for that 30 minutes. It helped to make me feel a little grounded, well, at least until the boys were picked up from school...eek!
2. My other chance run in was not so much by chance, as I guess it could have been expected. After returning from the pharmacy and Sam's club, I decided to pull dinner out of the freezer. I have been putting large quantity leftovers in the fridge for a couple of weeks now, but never quite figured out how/when I was going to use them. After being so frazzled, I figured now was as good a time as any. So, I pulled out some veggie patties and potato leek soup and threw them on the counter to defrost. Then, all heck broke loose, glasses broke, J had to go to dance, and the other 3 kids and I had to try to get L's glasses fixed (unsuccessfully). I was just about to break down and get Chinese or a cheese-less pizza when a friend refocused me.
While picking J up from dance, Melissa says, "What's for dinner tonight? I saw your blog. Its quite an undertaking. At least your kids are pretty good eaters, they eat a lot of different things." Okay, I'm paraphrasing, but you get it. I didn't have it in me to say, "well, I suck, I'm going to feed my kids fast food tonight, and there's no way I'm blogging about that!" It reminded me that I did pull dinner out; a healthy, plant-strong meal that would cost me no extra $$ this evening. SO glad I ran into her. I'm even happier she asked! Thanks, Melissa!
Today's meals~
Breakfast: oatmeal with bananas and cinnamon
Lunch: whole wheat panini with hummus, arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, spring mix and spicy mustard for me, pb&J and carrots for the kids
Dinner: veggie burgers, potato/leek soup for everyone (even little Q), plus a green salad for me
oh, friend this makes me so sad to read! Transition back to the Y has been strange, too...Our friends haven't been there either days I've been back so I've sort of just been alone in this new facility. Grace has adjusted well as she remembers Shirley and Elizabeth but she misses her Cameron. Boo! Change is always hard, but it will get better. I'm glad you found a friendly face to talk to. Keep working out and making healthy meals. Sounds like you've made a habit of it! Good job! The hardest part is behind you. Lets get these little girls together next week. Oh, and I can't even tell you how many broken pairs of glasses we've been through with Wesley. It's rite of passage with little boys! Nothing out of the norm..although still very, very frustrating. Hang in there. See you soon. :)