One thing that drives me crazy about toys is that they all come with tons of little pieces. The fairies all came with shoes and wings, the princesses with crowns and shoes, and 2 of the lalaloopsies come with little plastic hats. Its bad enough that these little pieces end up all around the house, but add the fact that I have a soon to be mobile infant and girls that will insist on having their toys fully clothed, and its a nightmare in and of itself. Last year, I just threw all the shoes and whatnot away, but this year, I got clever. I used a glue gun. Yea, baby! Thanks MIL for passing yours onto me. I didn't realize what a gift it was until now.
My MIL also sent the kids some money for Christmas, so off we went to the store so J could buy a girlie Lalaloopsy or dresses for her tomboy dolls. The girls each picked a lalaloopsy and a dress up outfit so they could look just like their dolls. They were happy with their hauls, and P and I were excited to take pics of them in their adorable outfits.

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