A couple of weeks ago, L came home from school with a blue note. In red, the word failed was written across the front sheet. What?! Failed?! My kid isn't going to fail anything! Well, that's what I thought. Unfortunately, L did fail. He failed his kindergarten vision screening.
Talk about being able to be knocked over by a feather! P and I honestly didn't believe it, as he has never given an indication that he couldn't see, and even passed the screening at the doctor's office. Okay, perhaps he used to run into walls when he was an infant and toddler, but besides that, nothing.
I took him for his appointment and learned that his right eye had become lazy. Luckily though, it had not yet begun to roll. L's vision in his left eye: +0.50, in his right eye: +5.0 That's 10x worse. When they took the initial photos of his eyes, before asking him to look at the chart, the optical assistant says, "oh, I see we have a problem with the right eye." Hmmm...when asked to look at the chart with his good eye covered, he was unable to make out the big E, and the even larger W was a bit blurry.
So, its glasses for my little man who really was not thrilled about getting them. When we went to pick them up, he fought having to wear them. I tried every tactic imaginable. Then, P says to him, "You know, mommy and daddy have to wear glasses sometimes." He put them on, straightaway. Little bugger. When we got into the car, I cried. I cried because his right eye is so magnified, it looks so much larger than the left eye. I don't care what he looks like, I just fear that the other kids will point this out to him, or make fun of him. I really hope not, especially now that he enjoys having them on because he can actually see!
Starting next week, L has to wear a patch over his good eye for 4 hours a day. This, he is excited for because of the chance to be a pirate. He is a strange bird, my son, but I love him so!
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