Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dear Citizens of the World,

Dear Citizens of the World,

I just wanted to remind you of some common decencies. These will not take too much time or effort to comply with, but boy, oh boy, will they make the world a better place.

1. If you are in your vehicle, typically temperature controlled, usually shelter from the environment, take the 30 seconds and stop to allow the pedestrian to cross the parking lot or street.  This really won't make you that late for your important date, but sure will make the person who has no protection from the environment really happy.

2. The Earth is NOT your garbage can. I know! Is hard to believe, but we actually have garbage cans in which you can place items you no longer desire, aka trash.  This does not only pertain to typical garbage items like cups, cans, paper, etc...but also pertains to your nasty cigarette butts.  If you wouldn't throw it on the floor in your home, than you shouldn't throw it on the ground anywhere else.

3. Having a right and actually using a right are 2 completely different things.  To reword: Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Would you like an example?  How about this: In the US, we have the Freedom of Speech which allows jerks to protest at military funerals.  That doesn't mean that people, no, a**holes, should put the grieving families through the heartache and disgrace of doing so.  Have some common decency you jack*sses!  Is that one too uncommon?  Ok...How about, just because you can comment in ear shot of a mother that her kids need the SuperNanny, doesn't mean you should!  You don't know the circumstances of the situation.  And, what gives you the right to make her feel like a bigger piece of poop?! Don't you think she already knows that her kids' behavior is unacceptable?!  Just think about it!

4. If you happen to accidentally urinate on a public toilet seat, be courteous enough to wipe the urine off of the seat.  You would think that seat urine is prevalent in the presence of male species, but it is all too common with women too.  You know who you are.  You are the one that is so grossed out that you refuse to sit on the pot.  Instead, you choose to squat and spray all over the seat, confirming for the rest of us, that public toilet seats are disgusting.  Either take a seat or CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!  Thanks!

5.  There are these strange things called "stalls" located in many parking lots.  The use? To house shopping carts.  Typically, they are scattered throughout the lot to make it easy for you, the customer, to safely return your shopping cart to the store.  If you are parked in the first few spots, you may not see one close, but don't fret.  Instead, you can walk your cart back across the lot to the store.  I know that it is easier to simply leave the cart next to your car, especially when the weather is poor or you have small children, BUT did you know that your cart could cause damage to others' cars or that it could block a parking spot so others can't easily pull in?  Its true.  Just a little extra effort from you could go a long way.

6. If you are the lucky recipient of government subsidies, you should show the decency to all of those that gave so that you could receive the spoils.  What does that mean?  I'll give you a few examples. If you receive housing assistance, do NOT destroy the home. If you receive money with which to purchase food for your family, do NOT spend that money on chips and soda.  What?  How dare I tell you what to eat.  I know, I'm a snot, BUT, that's my money that you are using (potentially), and I think that you should use it to buy food that will actually nourish your body.  Oh, and if you are fortunate enough to benefit from programs like the above, try to actually improve your life.  Its not a free pass.  There is no reason you should have a nicer cell phone, car, kicks, or clothes than people that scrimp, save, and sacrifice.  Use your money to get yourself back on your feet.  That's why you are getting it. Really?  You didn't know that?!  Hmmm...

Now, I don't want to be too picky or controlling when it comes to your behavior, so I will stop there.  I simply request that you consider your fellow citizens of this world and how you can do little things to make it a better place to live.

Thanks for your consideration,

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