I was checking out one of my favorite healthy eating blogs when I saw a recipe for a "healthier" green cupcake and thought I'm definitely going to give this a try on St. Patrick's Day. That's just what I did.
The ingredients? 1 Box of white cupcake mix, 1 cup of applesauce, and 1 bag (approx. 4 cups) of spinach.
That's right, baby! SPINACH!
Now, here's the hard part, you have to puree the applesauce and spinach. That took about 10 minutes in a blender. Next time, I'll use my food processor.
Simply add the vibrant green sauce to one box of cake mix.
As you can see, that dark green turned to kind of a putrid pea green. I must say, I was a little disappointed, but it was green nonetheless. Roni, the author of Green Lite Bites, suggested adding sprinkles to the top of the cupcakes to make them look festive and attractive to kids.
Just bake according to the box directions and viola! 18 cupcakes at around 100 calories each.
Pretty? Yes! But, the real question is: How do they taste?
Well, after P outright refused to give them a try, I did manage to convince him to have 1 bite. His response was, "You better have some darn good frosting for these. They have a funky aftertaste." Uh oh! I have to disagree though. My vote is not an astounding "YES", but instead, just that they are okay. Would I pine away over these cupcakes? No. Would I eat one if someone offered it to me? Sure.
The true test is how the children will react. We will see tomorrow, and I'll let you know!
mmm...going back to strict paleo after my pizza hut binge yesterday, so sadly, I'll have to decline. ;( ps...I like your pic on the sidebar-so serious! If you want, I could take one of you smiling? Just sayin', ha ha!