Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Okay, so I know you think I'm going to write about how I'm feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do...NOT the case.  Instead, I feel overwhelmed with the generosity of my friends, and feel the need to publicly share how completely awesome they are.

A few weeks before finding out that we would be adding to the estrogen in our house, I finally decided to purge my closet of all of my maternity and L and XL clothing.  Phew!  Then, October 25, I was shocked to learn that I needed it all back.  Of course, when you donate to the Salvation Army, there's no going back.  For the past few months, and today, I have been very fortunate to be the recipient of many maternity clothes from my fellow mommy friends.

I've also been super lucky to receive clothes for my girls from several of my friends, and a few for the boy too.  What a nice surprise it is for J to get to look through a bag and pick what she likes the best, and its much easier on the wallet then going shopping, especially since P has a hole in his wallet when it comes to making his girls happy. Nothing makes our J more happy than getting a new outfit.  Of course, she loves toys too, but ever since her 1st birthday, she honed in on the clothes and has been hooked ever since.  Such the girl.  And let me tell you, with the way my C treats her clothes, without the generosity of others, I fear we would have to buy an entire new wardrobe for baby Q.

And, this is nothing compared to the offers to watch my kids, well, and frankly just saying yes when I ask, that my friends/family are always giving me.  Whether its a doctor's appointment, volunteer obligation, work, or just some alone time to visit my brother's grave site, my friends and family open their homes to my children.  It makes me feel so blessed that they have such good caregivers to look after them when I am unable to do so myself.

Let's not discount the diapers, wipes, food, and everything else that everyone is always so willing and able to share.

Of course, there are also the compliments and loving/encouraging comments that they are always giving me.  So nice when your children tell you that you are "meaty" or you have a rotten day, to be reassured that you aren't as BLAH as you thought you were.  I guess that's one of the greatest thing about Facebook, when you are down in the dumps, there are friends there to hold you up until you remember that you are strong enough to stand on your own two feet.

I'd be remiss if I failed to mention my girlfriend 2 hours away who, after 4 years, remains someone who's friendship I cherish.  To this day, she is generous with her compliments and by doing little things to make my kids feel special.  Such an amazing person that I was so blessed to meet, as she only really knew L, but has been so sweet with my girls too, sending them hair ties, bedding, and homemade blankets.  Got lucky being in that yoga class.

And, let me not forget my husband, who I could bitch about for a while.  But, he truly is an amazing man that really pulls through when I, no, when we, need him.  Let's be honest, we can all find faults with our spouse/partner,  but its sometimes hard to recognize how truly fortunate we are that we found them.  They brighten our days, lighten our loads, and make us feel the love and warmth of the world when we doubt that any good exists.  They are there every night and every morning, to tell us that we are loved, even if its just over the phone.  And, when we are about to crack or fail as parents, it is them that step in and save our poor children from seeing us fall apart.  P has truly been generous to me.  He has allowed for me to stay at home with our children, to raise them as I believe is best, and helps when I've clearly taken on more than I can handle.  Thanks, babe!

I often feel that I do not do enough to return the favors, so I will take this opportunity to tell ALL of my friends, no matter where you are, that ANYTHING you need, I am here.  I wish I had the forethought to always offer the help and compliments that you do, but unfortunately, my brain is often too fried.  Please ask. I would be honored to lend a hand.

Happy Tuesday, all!

1 comment:

  1. You're a sweetheart, Karen, and we're all blessed to know you :)
