P and I have spoken in the past about spending some quality one-on-one time with each of the kids, now that our pack has grown to 4. Okay, I did the speaking, but he did agree. That's all we really did. We haven't actually done anything of the sort as of yet...until today!
Enter Yo Gabba Gabba! That's right, baby! There was a party in my tummy (so yummy, so yummy) and at the cultural center. P is out of town again, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to spend some fun time with my 2 year old. Let's just say that lately, she has not been my favorite child to be around. I love my C, but as most 2 year olds do, she is testing her (and my) limits everyday. Oh yes, buddy. We have the fit-throwing if I make her wait even 5 seconds for something she wants, the crying hysterically if we say no or yell at her, and the blatant, flat out refusal to do anything we say. I really needed some time to reconnect with C on a fun level, a chance for her to enjoy being with mommy while not being jealous that J and L get to go to school while mommy holds Q.
Thanks, DJ Lance Rock for giving me a reason to spend sometime with my little girl! J and L went over to L's friend's house, and C and I went to the show. This girl was dancing on her chair and in the aisle. The amazement in her eyes was breathtaking as they shot confetti "snow" and "leaves" into the air. Of course, she wanted me to hold her while we danced in the aisle to Biz Markie and the Yo Gabba Gabba Gang, but who cares?! She had fun and I fell in love with being her mommy all over again. Its as if she recaptured her innocence.
So, C, here's what mommy loves about you:
1. If daddy and I give you something, you always want to make sure that there's enough to share with L and J
2. You love Q so very much and are such a big helper when it comes to taking care of her
3. You love your bestie, Gracie, so much and you 2 make me smile when I see you play together.
4. I love listening to you sing, especially "Love Song Baby Song"
5. You are full of hugs, kisses, snuggles...and attitude
This week, I also learned that my little hellion/angel will most likely be having surgery in the beginning of 2012 to correct some plumbing problems, as we like to call them. I knew it was coming, but to hear it again, see the fear and need for reassurance in her eyes when I speak to the doctor, and to know that this is actually a good thing, well, its just kind of sobering.
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What a different kid she is when she's getting the bulk of the attention. Such an angel! Well, so what did I learn? Basically, not only is it good for the child, but also for the mommy to get to spend quality 1-on-1 time with her children. I'll be doing a lot more of this, I hope!
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