Anyone that's anyone takes their kids to Roba's farm for the annual pumpkin patch excursion. Well, we haven't been in 2 years because, frankly, its $11 a person and with 3, and now 4 kids, it just becomes a bit cost prohibitive, especially around the birthday/holiday season. Instead, we've gone to Miller's Farm, where its not as fantastic, but half the price.
Well, this year, J's class had a field trip planned for Roba's and I was thrilled to accompany her (and the 2 little girls) on the trip. She was so thrilled to get to ride on a school bus, and since no one under 3 is allowed, I followed with a destroyed C behind them.
We were thrilled, despite the rain drops that were falling at 8:30 because it was still kind of warm. Well, we were in for a rude awakening because I swear the temp dropped 5 degrees by the time we got there at 10, and it was really breezy. With Q in the Moby, we embarked for all the fun. Oh wait, its raining, let's not forget that. What's that mean? That means that all of the fun things for the kids to do at the patch were closed! That's right. No bouncing pillow. No pony rides. No cow train. Just stacks of hay, playgrond equipment, and the pig races.

Who knew?! The kids had an absolute blast (well, besides Q, who had her fill of fun right after lunch) playing, and they didn't even whine about being cold, wet and dirty. J told me on more than one occasion to "go away, mom. I'll walk with Miss Janelle and my friends. You go watch C." Wow! She sounded just like me when I was a kid. It made me a little sad that she didn't need or want me, but proud that she is so confident and independent.
On the hayride |
J with her buddy, Ashlynn |
The highlight of the day? At the pig races, the farmer selected C to cheer for her pig of choice. She clapped, tried to whistle, and quietly cheered on her pick: the purple pig. Lo and behold, Senor Puerco Purpura came in 1st place, earning C a fantastic trophy...
So, after pumpkins were picked, clothes were pretty much destroyed, and fingers were frozen we set off for home. Ok, so the little girls and I set off in our van and J got on the bus, but you get it. Sure, now the little girls and I have colds, but fun was had by all (Q did enjoy those farm animals!)
C found her pumpkin almost immediately |
J, had to search for the perfect pumpkin-1 with no dirt |
 | it is! |
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