Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy 33rd Birthday to Me!

Wow!  Has it been forever since I've recorded my thoughts on here, but I've just been so busy enjoying being a mommy to a newborn again.  Our little Q has been such a blessing and I truly can't imagine life without her, I mean, its like she's always been here.  Seriously, she's just perfect and the kids absolutely love her.  What more can a mom want?!

Well, believe it or not, for my birthday, I came up with a list of things I wanted:
1. No crying, whining, or fighting
2. For my husband to treat me like I am the only woman in the world
3. Some time ALONE

Here's what I got:
1. From P: Chocolate covered strawberries, truffles, a mother's ring (well, in 2 weeks I'll have it), and a fantastic dinner at AuRants (phyllo wrapped lamb pops with elderberry sauce and an ostrich fillet with rainbow swiss chard)
2. From L: a shell from the beach that he colored on
3. From my friends: video messages, texts, voicemails and facebook messages.  I even found out that my girlfriend is 18 weeks along-amazing gift!
4. From P, L and J: butter pecan cupcakes and a strawberry cake
5. My van was finally ready and I got it back!
6. My roofer friend came over and covered the plywood that was exposed on our roof due to Hurricane Irene.  He also replace a few shingles where the tar paper stayed on the roof.  We are still waiting for the adjuster, but at least we shouldn't get wet when it rains this weekend.
7. P was barely on his phone or computer all day long.  That's right.  It was awesome!
8. I got to workout with my husband.  That never happens.  Loved it!
9. I got to have a hydromassage at the gym while I fed my Q.  Relaxing and tender moment.  Darn did it feel good!
10. I signed my J up for preschool that starts next Wednesday.  Yes, it took quite a while to get this sorted out, but today I came to terms that we are moving on from the YMCA and onto another chapter of our lives.  I even found out that she now knows at least 3 kids in her class.  I know she'll feel so much more comfortable now, at her new school.  That just makes me feel so much more at ease.  This program is more academic and I'll be supplementing it with swim lessons at the Pittston Y, so this should be a complete win.
11. I got 50 whole minutes ALONE!  Yep, that's right!  ALONE!  Granted, I was registering Jaimee at school and swapping the loaner for my van, but there were NO KIDS with me at all, not even Q.  Now, I LOVE my kids more than anything in the world, but let me tell you how extraordinary it feels not to have to make sure that your children aren't running into the road, and not having to listen to them cry, whine, or fight.  Pure bliss!
12. Tons of love from my family and friends!!!  This was the best of all.  C put lip gloss on me and then came back and touched it up by her fingers.  It was so sweet.  All of the hugs and kisses and singing were just awesome.

All and all, this was an awesome birthday!  So much better than 2011 has been lately.

Miss you, Den!  Happy Birthday to my brother, D


  1. Awe...I'm glad your day was great! I've been thinking about you a lot lately!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful birthday! =)

  3. Happy Birthday Karen!!!! Glad our paths have crossed!!!! You deserved all your special gifts!!!
